Friday, April 27, 2012

Are you Serious?

In the past few years, Nutella has been BIG! Everyone loves it, and if you don't you're weird (yep.. that'd be ME!) But to sue the company like this woman did is flat out ASININE! I am somewhat at a loss of words... I've seen the commercials.. I was 'never' led to believe that Nutella was healthy.. just that if you put it on HEALTHY-type toast (whole wheat.. gag me please!) that your children will likely eat it. To be fair, if you put Peanut Butter on wheat toast, I probably WOULD eat the toast....... thinking.. thinking... thinking... nope, I would lick the peanut butter off (I love warm, melted peanut butter!) and throw the toast portion away! :)

P.S. In the link posted above, there is another link that if you felt the need, you could fill out and Nutella could/would send you $4, as your portion of the lawsuit.


  1. hahahaha!! I am laughing my balls off. How incredibly stupid. Love me some nuttyella though!

    1. I thought about you when I was reading the article!

  2. I have never tried Nutella, and really have no desire to. It looks disgusting. Speaking of disgusting, I can't believe the things people sue for.

    1. AMEN!

      Suing McDonald's because it made you fat? SERIOUSLY!?

  3. Why do you hate toast? I LOVE toast.

    Nutella tastes like the chocolate version of peanut butter. Its frigging delicious.

    1. No.. I LOVE toast.. I HATE whole wheat toast.. Gimmie White bread toast, and I'm a happy clam!

  4. Nutella is amazing stuff. I never thought it was healthy, but I sure wish it was. Oh, the amazingness that is nutella and apples, mmm. And I don't even like chocolate. ha
