Monday, May 21, 2012

Read at your own RISK.

Seriously, peeps, I'm telling you this now, as a nice gesture.. read at your OWN damn risk. If you are even remotely "sensitive" about BFing... DO NOT READ. And if you do, DO NOT come bitching to me about how you are "offended" or whatever it is you are feeling. I don't care about how YOU are feeling. This is MY blog about MY feelings/opinions on things. 

Got it? 

I have a few things on my mind:

    1) the Time Magazine cover
2) Breastfeeding pictures
3) Attachment Parenting 

1) Ok, by now we've ALL seen or heard about the Time Magazine cover. Even our been-dead-so-long-their-bones-are-dust-relatives have heard about this. Time fucked up (or did they...) by picking that cover image to "represent" their article on Attachment Parenting (AP). People, get over it. It's done. It's over. People didn't even give that French chick this much attention. All you are doing is getting Time's name out there (although, who DOES NOT know about Time Magazine?!). Please stop. It's old. 

The horse's flesh is so far decayed that the bones are starting to turn to show through. 

2) I don't even know where to begin with this one. Because it's not the ACT itself that bothers me, because breastfeeding (BF) doesn't bother me. It's the NEED to be photographed. It's the NEED for the photo to go viral on the internet. For what reason? To show that you CAN BF? I don't think BFing is "nasty" or "gross" or "is going to raise a pervert" (yeah, I heard that one... I wanted to smack the ignorant bitch... temper?? who?? me?! Nah.). But I do think those chicks do it to start a war. And you won't be able to convince me otherwise. 

So you can BF! Good for you! Do you want a cookie?! I don't understand this incessant need to broadcast that you BF. Why must you shove it in everyone's face. I don't go looking for these pictures.. I don't know (or care) how my friends find these pictures, but it's because of them that I have to look at them. So, should I have to block my friends activities from my newsfeed? FaceBook (FB) doesn't allow me to pick what I block by picking certain key words (OH. MY. GOD! That would be a DREAM!). I'll also come out and say: You don't see Formula feeders coming out having pictures taken--OH WAIT! That has happened! and the picture was asked to be removed by the La Leche League! 

What's the deal? (That's a rhetorical questions, peeps). All the time, I hear "I don't care how you feed your child, as long as your child is fed.." and the BOOM! these pictures appear. If you TRULY didn't care, you wouldn't take part in posting/sharing these pictures. Maybe it's because I've never seen a mom asked to leave because she was BFing. Maybe it's because I don't BF that I don't see/feel the "oppression" that BFing moms feel... I'm sure there is some OBVIOUS disconnect, but damn, Folks, I'm getting sick of the pictures. I FEEL that these pictures are only being posted to start shit. It's like those pictures are bait... waiting for someone to "report" them to FB or whomever, so that they can say: "This is war on BFing! CCHHHAAARRRGGGEE!!!!!!!

This horse's flesh is so far decayed that the sun is turning its bones into dust

3) (and final!) Attachment Parenting (AP). If you do this, GREAT! if you don't GREAT. I'm SO damn sick of the "I parent this way, I'm better than you..."--and honestly? This is the type of AP moms I have *personally* ran into. As in, I deleted a few off my FB because they were so over the top zealous--and some didn't even have a childrem YET! If you bought a stroller, one was quick to tell you how "bad" they were, and how "...if you baby wear properly, you won't need a stroller.." They were quick to say a few other things, but I'll stop. I'm also pretty tired of the comments "Well, if you AP, your child will be a better citizen. Your child won't be a bully. Your child will be awesome! and have many friends!" etc etc etc. Can we PLEASE stop the charades?  Has ANY scientific proof been done to test these "theories?" If you quote Dr. Sears, in my comments section, I will Gibbs-back-of-the-head-smack you. Do you understand? I do know plenty of "good" AP moms, who aren't so hostile that they repel others from this parenting way. JJJUUUSSSTTTT stop the MADNESS. 

The. Horse. Is. Dead.   

Well, that is the end of my rant for the night. If you made it this far, give your self a cookie, and probably some blood pressure meds; because, depending on what side of the "fence" you're on, you might be pretty pissed at me at the current moment. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

When it rains Mommy wars... it POURS...

Ok, so by now everyone and their dead grandmother has heard about and bitched about the Time Magazine's cover page with a Mama breastfeeding her 3-almost-4yr old son. If you haven't.. consider yourself blessed. I'm not going to say anything about the picture. The picture does NOT in any way, shape, or form bother me. It's the title "Are you Mom enough?"--Way to rock launch the mommy/parenting wars, Time, WAY to GO! *snark snark* Anyways... enough people have blogged. bitched, moaned, etc etc etc about this. So I'm not going comment any further. :)

NOW! Today, Consumer Reports issues this article about what to reject when you are pregnant and about to pop. OK, I don't care if you agree with the article or not. I'm on the boat of "It doesn't concern me if...." and quite frankly, that's how most people should be. WHO the EFF cares if Jane down the street opts to have an elective c-section? Or if Amy opts to be induced.... How does that personally affect you? It doesn't. Plain and simple. However, this is one of MANY of the stupid Mommy wars that exist. 

Do you want to know what this boils down to? Women always think that THEIR way is the CORRECT and ONLY way. Women: Wake up! Unless a choice personally affects you.. BUGGER OFF the other woman!

There. I'm done.

Carry on with you regularly scheduled program.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Zombie 5k outcome...

I have been dreading writing about this... Why? Because it's going to make Husband look like an ass.

 Oh well.

Saturday, Cinco de Mayo 2012.. was my first EVER 5k w/obstacle course. To make things MORE interesting, that have zombies placed throughout the event to try to "kill" you (read: take red flags that were attached to you.. they weren't actually allowed to touch you). I was (rightfully so) freaking out. So I wasn't my normal happy-go-lucky-chipper self. Husband kept bugging me "do you want me to run with you?" "Sure." "You know, I really want to run with you, to give you support and to be there for you.." "Ok."

To MY DEFENSE: Husband will even admit that I wasn't my normal self, AND I had told him that I was freaking out about the race...

So... I'm thinking he is going to rum the race with me. There was a group of us--6 girls and 2-boys. Well, When the other male showed up, Husband said "Hey, you wanna run the with me?" err.. something like that. I just looked at him like "WTF!" Fine. Whatever.

It's time for our wave to start.. they break you down based on your run time (if you are honest) "appetizer" is the first wave, for miles under 9mins, "Dinner" was the second wave, and lastly, Dessert was the last wave. Husband, and three others were running in Dinner. The other 3 and myself were running in Dessert.

Right out of the gate, you have to go jump three, three foot tall "stairs"--that are wet, muddy, and rocky. Oy.

It was from here that I was left to complete the course by. my. self.

So I did. I went through all the obstacles solo. I went through this muddy forest of hell, solo. I cried. I don't think I have ever, in my life, felt so. damn. alone. Wait. There was another time or two, but I won't get into that/those...

At the very end--I had FINISHED! in a time of celebration, I was pissed. I was hurt. I was a.l.o.n.e. There was a hold up at the final obstacle, but there was a downhill that you could walk down--So that's what I did. I could not take being around everyone so. damn. happy. about finishing with their partner or group or friend(s). Husband met me at the bottom and was all happy "YEAH! You finished!" I don't think I said anything to him. We went to the group hangout, a dear friend and her sister had asked me how I liked it and I said "I didn't." but in a mean tone. Husband left to change, Friend and her sister were like "What's up??" and I told them how it wasn't cool that I did the ENTIRE race BY. MY. SELF. and that it REALLY sucked that he made a point to say "...I want to be there.... I want to support you..." They both agreed with me, and both said that they would be pissed at their husbands if they did the same to them.

I really didn't talk much on the way home.

I took the most amazing hot shower...

Got dressed and changed our minds about staying home, so we took Gunnar and his "adopted" Grandparents out for dinner (they won't let us pay them.. so we snagged the bill before they could!). While in the car, I think Husband tried talking about the race.. and I just cried. Again. I am a freaking SOCIAL creature people, and for the most part I do NOT ENJOY doing things by myself.

Husband felt bad (rightfully so), and said "Next time I won't ditch you." my response? "There won't be a next time. This is checked off my Bucket List."

We're fine now... But, I don't think I'll ever ask him to run a race/obstacle course with me again. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Whoopi.. Whoopi.. WHOOPI!!

Who's the bonehead?!

In the article above, Whoopi goes on a tangent about breastfeeding professionals being "boneheads" and a whole bunch of other nonsense.

I completely agreed with the author till she said this:

 Why NOT try? Why are so many women so against trying something that is good for them and their newborn? Help me understand that. Have some women bought into a certain part of society's view that breasts are sexual objects and sexual objects only?
 If you know me, you know that I opted to not BF (breastfeed, for those of you who don't know the Alphabet soup of Mommy-Hood). I went back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth on this. It wasn't until I was getting my vitals taken on the day of Gunnar's birth (planned c-section) that I opted to not BF. Why didn't I BF? Well, you will never know. Why? Because it's NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS. I don't have to, nor do I WANT to try t explain to you why I decided to do something. You OBVIOUSLY have your mind made up, so no matter WHAT I say, you are going to give me grief. I also don't care for how she puts Whoopi's opinion(s) on all of us mamas who opted to not BF.

If Whoopi didn't want to breastfeed, if any mother doesn't want to nurse her baby, just deny the help. Say no. Get formula. Is it really that hard? Why does it bother those moms so much that there is help? Is it their guilt from not wanting to breastfeed?
 I don't care that there are LCs running around the maternity ward.. Just don't bother me. I don't care that the new-mom next door is BFing and needs help. Just don't come into my room and bug me. It doesn't bother me. Nor did it bother anyone else that I know how a baby and opted to FF.

I get that the author was pissed at Whoopi. But to lump ALL of us FF in the same category is kinda stupid. That's like saying ALL mothers who BF are BF-Nazis.. Or that ALL LC's are Boob-Nazis... Do I need to continue?

Why can't we all live in harmony? Motherhood is so damn hard, and these "mommy-wars" are just stupid, petty, pissing contests.