Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Whoopi.. Whoopi.. WHOOPI!!

Who's the bonehead?!

In the article above, Whoopi goes on a tangent about breastfeeding professionals being "boneheads" and a whole bunch of other nonsense.

I completely agreed with the author till she said this:

 Why NOT try? Why are so many women so against trying something that is good for them and their newborn? Help me understand that. Have some women bought into a certain part of society's view that breasts are sexual objects and sexual objects only?
 If you know me, you know that I opted to not BF (breastfeed, for those of you who don't know the Alphabet soup of Mommy-Hood). I went back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth on this. It wasn't until I was getting my vitals taken on the day of Gunnar's birth (planned c-section) that I opted to not BF. Why didn't I BF? Well, you will never know. Why? Because it's NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS. I don't have to, nor do I WANT to try t explain to you why I decided to do something. You OBVIOUSLY have your mind made up, so no matter WHAT I say, you are going to give me grief. I also don't care for how she puts Whoopi's opinion(s) on all of us mamas who opted to not BF.

If Whoopi didn't want to breastfeed, if any mother doesn't want to nurse her baby, just deny the help. Say no. Get formula. Is it really that hard? Why does it bother those moms so much that there is help? Is it their guilt from not wanting to breastfeed?
 I don't care that there are LCs running around the maternity ward.. Just don't bother me. I don't care that the new-mom next door is BFing and needs help. Just don't come into my room and bug me. It doesn't bother me. Nor did it bother anyone else that I know how a baby and opted to FF.

I get that the author was pissed at Whoopi. But to lump ALL of us FF in the same category is kinda stupid. That's like saying ALL mothers who BF are BF-Nazis.. Or that ALL LC's are Boob-Nazis... Do I need to continue?

Why can't we all live in harmony? Motherhood is so damn hard, and these "mommy-wars" are just stupid, petty, pissing contests. 


  1. Wait till you get to development and learning and things. Oh boy, the wars only get worse!! :D

  2. Somehow I magically avoided all these mommy-wars thus far. the only thing I will brag and gloat about is Laura being done with teething so ridiculously early. I think she wanted to make up for being absolutely horrrendous for the first 6 months.
