Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Zombie 5k outcome...

I have been dreading writing about this... Why? Because it's going to make Husband look like an ass.

 Oh well.

Saturday, Cinco de Mayo 2012.. was my first EVER 5k w/obstacle course. To make things MORE interesting, that have zombies placed throughout the event to try to "kill" you (read: take red flags that were attached to you.. they weren't actually allowed to touch you). I was (rightfully so) freaking out. So I wasn't my normal happy-go-lucky-chipper self. Husband kept bugging me "do you want me to run with you?" "Sure." "You know, I really want to run with you, to give you support and to be there for you.." "Ok."

To MY DEFENSE: Husband will even admit that I wasn't my normal self, AND I had told him that I was freaking out about the race...

So... I'm thinking he is going to rum the race with me. There was a group of us--6 girls and 2-boys. Well, When the other male showed up, Husband said "Hey, you wanna run the with me?" err.. something like that. I just looked at him like "WTF!" Fine. Whatever.

It's time for our wave to start.. they break you down based on your run time (if you are honest) "appetizer" is the first wave, for miles under 9mins, "Dinner" was the second wave, and lastly, Dessert was the last wave. Husband, and three others were running in Dinner. The other 3 and myself were running in Dessert.

Right out of the gate, you have to go jump three, three foot tall "stairs"--that are wet, muddy, and rocky. Oy.

It was from here that I was left to complete the course by. my. self.

So I did. I went through all the obstacles solo. I went through this muddy forest of hell, solo. I cried. I don't think I have ever, in my life, felt so. damn. alone. Wait. There was another time or two, but I won't get into that/those...

At the very end--I had FINISHED! in a time of celebration, I was pissed. I was hurt. I was a.l.o.n.e. There was a hold up at the final obstacle, but there was a downhill that you could walk down--So that's what I did. I could not take being around everyone so. damn. happy. about finishing with their partner or group or friend(s). Husband met me at the bottom and was all happy "YEAH! You finished!" I don't think I said anything to him. We went to the group hangout, a dear friend and her sister had asked me how I liked it and I said "I didn't." but in a mean tone. Husband left to change, Friend and her sister were like "What's up??" and I told them how it wasn't cool that I did the ENTIRE race BY. MY. SELF. and that it REALLY sucked that he made a point to say "...I want to be there.... I want to support you..." They both agreed with me, and both said that they would be pissed at their husbands if they did the same to them.

I really didn't talk much on the way home.

I took the most amazing hot shower...

Got dressed and changed our minds about staying home, so we took Gunnar and his "adopted" Grandparents out for dinner (they won't let us pay them.. so we snagged the bill before they could!). While in the car, I think Husband tried talking about the race.. and I just cried. Again. I am a freaking SOCIAL creature people, and for the most part I do NOT ENJOY doing things by myself.

Husband felt bad (rightfully so), and said "Next time I won't ditch you." my response? "There won't be a next time. This is checked off my Bucket List."

We're fine now... But, I don't think I'll ever ask him to run a race/obstacle course with me again. 


  1. Replies
    1. It was more me being scared. I had never done anything like this before... I had no clue what to expect, etc etc etc

  2. Not that this justifies it, but are you are that his idea of "run with you" and your idea of run with you are the same? My husband would totally see himself running it with me because he was running the same race as me, not necessarily because he was running anywhere near me! Men can be useless sometimes. :)

    1. If that was the case, I'd completely buy it. However, Husband made a POINT to say 'I want to run with you, to support you, to help you along the race..."
