Saturday, May 12, 2012

When it rains Mommy wars... it POURS...

Ok, so by now everyone and their dead grandmother has heard about and bitched about the Time Magazine's cover page with a Mama breastfeeding her 3-almost-4yr old son. If you haven't.. consider yourself blessed. I'm not going to say anything about the picture. The picture does NOT in any way, shape, or form bother me. It's the title "Are you Mom enough?"--Way to rock launch the mommy/parenting wars, Time, WAY to GO! *snark snark* Anyways... enough people have blogged. bitched, moaned, etc etc etc about this. So I'm not going comment any further. :)

NOW! Today, Consumer Reports issues this article about what to reject when you are pregnant and about to pop. OK, I don't care if you agree with the article or not. I'm on the boat of "It doesn't concern me if...." and quite frankly, that's how most people should be. WHO the EFF cares if Jane down the street opts to have an elective c-section? Or if Amy opts to be induced.... How does that personally affect you? It doesn't. Plain and simple. However, this is one of MANY of the stupid Mommy wars that exist. 

Do you want to know what this boils down to? Women always think that THEIR way is the CORRECT and ONLY way. Women: Wake up! Unless a choice personally affects you.. BUGGER OFF the other woman!

There. I'm done.

Carry on with you regularly scheduled program.


  1. I totally agree about mommy wars, for sure. However, my doctor did post this same article today as he is concerned with women's health, and he finds these as great ways to help safeguard your health. That being said, an instant 2nd C-section is on there, but he didn't argue with me after we discusses his reasoning for trying VBAC when I said I didn't want to try. They should always be seen as guidelines as a place to start, but not the word of god that always must be followed. The health of a woman is such a dynamic thing, there is no black and white that fits everyone.

    1. I guess my point was/is this: Most women assume that if anther woman has opted to have a c-section, a repeat c-section, an epi, or induction, that she hasn't done her homework and/or research, and therefore, she is making an ill-informed choice--regardless IF that is the actual case. The "natural" women that I know are EATING this article up because they believe that this will validate their reasoning for their choices...

      I had a dear friend decide that what would be best for her/her family was a medical induction. She weighed the pros/cons, she researched, everything. When she posted about it on FB, you would have thought she was a FTM (First time mom for you non-parents)... Other women were coming out second-guessing her choices... telling her why it was a bad idea.. you name it. I was floored for her... So, me being me, I made a snarking comment about "wow! who would have thought that you would be giving birth to your 3rd child!"---or something along those lines. :)

    2. Hmm, I guess the circles I walk haven't used it that way. BOO to them!
