Monday, May 21, 2012

Read at your own RISK.

Seriously, peeps, I'm telling you this now, as a nice gesture.. read at your OWN damn risk. If you are even remotely "sensitive" about BFing... DO NOT READ. And if you do, DO NOT come bitching to me about how you are "offended" or whatever it is you are feeling. I don't care about how YOU are feeling. This is MY blog about MY feelings/opinions on things. 

Got it? 

I have a few things on my mind:

    1) the Time Magazine cover
2) Breastfeeding pictures
3) Attachment Parenting 

1) Ok, by now we've ALL seen or heard about the Time Magazine cover. Even our been-dead-so-long-their-bones-are-dust-relatives have heard about this. Time fucked up (or did they...) by picking that cover image to "represent" their article on Attachment Parenting (AP). People, get over it. It's done. It's over. People didn't even give that French chick this much attention. All you are doing is getting Time's name out there (although, who DOES NOT know about Time Magazine?!). Please stop. It's old. 

The horse's flesh is so far decayed that the bones are starting to turn to show through. 

2) I don't even know where to begin with this one. Because it's not the ACT itself that bothers me, because breastfeeding (BF) doesn't bother me. It's the NEED to be photographed. It's the NEED for the photo to go viral on the internet. For what reason? To show that you CAN BF? I don't think BFing is "nasty" or "gross" or "is going to raise a pervert" (yeah, I heard that one... I wanted to smack the ignorant bitch... temper?? who?? me?! Nah.). But I do think those chicks do it to start a war. And you won't be able to convince me otherwise. 

So you can BF! Good for you! Do you want a cookie?! I don't understand this incessant need to broadcast that you BF. Why must you shove it in everyone's face. I don't go looking for these pictures.. I don't know (or care) how my friends find these pictures, but it's because of them that I have to look at them. So, should I have to block my friends activities from my newsfeed? FaceBook (FB) doesn't allow me to pick what I block by picking certain key words (OH. MY. GOD! That would be a DREAM!). I'll also come out and say: You don't see Formula feeders coming out having pictures taken--OH WAIT! That has happened! and the picture was asked to be removed by the La Leche League! 

What's the deal? (That's a rhetorical questions, peeps). All the time, I hear "I don't care how you feed your child, as long as your child is fed.." and the BOOM! these pictures appear. If you TRULY didn't care, you wouldn't take part in posting/sharing these pictures. Maybe it's because I've never seen a mom asked to leave because she was BFing. Maybe it's because I don't BF that I don't see/feel the "oppression" that BFing moms feel... I'm sure there is some OBVIOUS disconnect, but damn, Folks, I'm getting sick of the pictures. I FEEL that these pictures are only being posted to start shit. It's like those pictures are bait... waiting for someone to "report" them to FB or whomever, so that they can say: "This is war on BFing! CCHHHAAARRRGGGEE!!!!!!!

This horse's flesh is so far decayed that the sun is turning its bones into dust

3) (and final!) Attachment Parenting (AP). If you do this, GREAT! if you don't GREAT. I'm SO damn sick of the "I parent this way, I'm better than you..."--and honestly? This is the type of AP moms I have *personally* ran into. As in, I deleted a few off my FB because they were so over the top zealous--and some didn't even have a childrem YET! If you bought a stroller, one was quick to tell you how "bad" they were, and how "...if you baby wear properly, you won't need a stroller.." They were quick to say a few other things, but I'll stop. I'm also pretty tired of the comments "Well, if you AP, your child will be a better citizen. Your child won't be a bully. Your child will be awesome! and have many friends!" etc etc etc. Can we PLEASE stop the charades?  Has ANY scientific proof been done to test these "theories?" If you quote Dr. Sears, in my comments section, I will Gibbs-back-of-the-head-smack you. Do you understand? I do know plenty of "good" AP moms, who aren't so hostile that they repel others from this parenting way. JJJUUUSSSTTTT stop the MADNESS. 

The. Horse. Is. Dead.   

Well, that is the end of my rant for the night. If you made it this far, give your self a cookie, and probably some blood pressure meds; because, depending on what side of the "fence" you're on, you might be pretty pissed at me at the current moment. 



  1. Your friends are psycho!!! I post pictures of my boys drinking bottles all the time, and nobody has said a word. Or maybe they know better than to fuck with me!

    I did have one person ask about the bottle/formula thing on day 4/5. Her daughter was born the day after my son, and she was simply confused as to how I got so much sleep. I informed her I gave up on the BF, so my husband was feeding him. I don't know if my decision helped her at all with hers, but I know she soon after started feeding both to her daughter. All the family is happy.

    I also started out before my children were born thinking I was hardcore AP. I was pretty rude about it too. Then I got smacked in the face with reality. My kid didn't LIKE any of that stuff. Every kid is different, so not 1 thing works for all of them!

    I don't care how you feed your child, whether you strap them to your body 24/7 or not, if you carried them inside you for 9 months, feed them, care for them, show them love, you will bond. End of story. It doesn't matter if they are attached to the boob 24/7 or if they've never touched one. You are their mother, and they are already genetically attached to you after months of service. Let's all just start being good moms, support each other in being moms, and stop trying to break each other down of who is right and who is wrong.

    1. Dave took one picture of my feeding Gunnar... damn... sometime during the winter months... I didn't even realize what he was doing, and he posted it to me DDC page--because he thought that page was my FB page on my phone! That's the only picture that I know of, that has surfaced of Gunnar eating with a bottle... I took one the other day, because he was SO cute... but I didn't post it.

  2. with bottle.... ;)

    1. Yes, I'd have to dig much deeper to find pictures of Kieran, but there are plenty of those too.
